Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On Pollination and Bees

   A great aspect of the wondrous complexity of God’s creation is symbiotic relationships, when two organisms of different species "work together," each benefiting from the relationship[1], often times in such a way that they depend on the other creature to live. Not only are these relationships complex in nature, can you imagine this happening through evolution? Both creatures would have to evolve this “relationship” at the same time, and in such a way that both could live. Anyways, how did the creature live before it evolved? There are just too many questions posed that evolution can’t answer.
   A great example of a symbiotic relationship is flowers and bees. We all know that bees pollinate flowers, but have you ever stopped to think about how wonderful of a design this system is?
   Almost all flowers produce nectar to attract bees. The bees will come and gather the nectar, but in doing so, they also get pollen on them. When they come to the next flower, that pollen will “pollinate” the flower, which allows the flower to then ripen and produce seeds. So without this pollination process, the plants would never be able to reproduce, and thus would die out. Without bees, flowering plants would cease to exist.
   But if we look at it the other way, the relationship is just as amazing. You see, bees depend upon flowers and the nectar that they provide. Without nectar, bees would be left without a source of food, and would end up starving.
   The flowers provide the bees with a source of food, and the bees provide a way for the flowering plants to reproduce. Without one, the other would cease to exist. So how could evolution result in such a relationship? You would have to have both evolve to their current state at the same time. If not, the bees would starve and the flowers wouldn’t be able to reproduce. We can’t give credit to anyone but God; and it’s an amazing system that God has designed.
   But God’s wonders don’t stop there.
   Once a bee has already visited a flower, all the nectar has been taken. Can you imagine how much time and energy bees would waste if they kept on visiting flowers that had already been visited by another bee? Most of the times, bees would find the flower they visited has no nectar left.
   God solved this problem in a rather simple, but ingenious way. Many flowers have marks on them that change color when the flower is pollinated. One such example is the desert lupine, which has small yellow spots that tell the bee that “there’s nectar here”. But when the bee pollinates the plant, those spots will turn black or reddish. This tells any other bees that the nectar has already been taken, so it would be a waste of time to visit that flower.
   If you look to evolution to explain this, it makes no sense. How, or even why would the flowers evolve that way? It helps them in no way. And also, how do the bees know that yellow means nectar and black means no nectar? But it’s not even that simple, because different flowers have different marks that tell the bees whether there is nectar or not in the flower. How would the bees learn every single combination? The only answer is that God designed certain flowers that way, and that he “programmed” all the information the bees needed to know about the markings.
   Truly God has designed a wonderful system that glorifies Him. All of this declares the glory of God, and defies evolution. None of this could have resulted from random chance but, like all of creation, shows us that God has created all things.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”
~Proverbs 25:2

[1] New England Complex Systems Institute. “Mutualistic Relationships”. NECSI. No Date Given; Accessed March 19th, 2014. [AID]

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